Swedish Musician Reveals Himself to Be Former Member of Ghost

I can’t imagine any other band that has managed to keep their identities hidden longer than the Swedish band Ghost, occasionally known as Ghost B.C. in the United States. To those who don’t know, Ghost has become notorious for their eccentric on-stage presence. Five of the members, known as the Nameless Ghouls, wear identical outfits with masks that keep their faces concealed. The most distinguishable is their lead singer, named Papa Emeritus, who wears an outfit that can only be described as some kind of unholy Pope, with his face covered in a prosthetic face cover and make up.
Last year, the band experienced a shake-up within their ranks, as the guitarist known only as “Omega” left the band, to be replaced by the bassist, known as “Water.” The band then brought in their first ever Lady Ghoul, who took the role of bassist.
But recently, in a rather solemn video, Swedish musician Martin Persner, formerly of the band Magna Carta Cartel, announced that he was the rhythm guitarist known as Omega in Ghost from 2009 to June 2016. In the video, he also announced his intent to bring back Magna Carta Cartel.
Interestingly enough, Tobias Forge, also ex-Magna Carta Cartel, is rumored to be the mastermind and founder of Ghost. Whatever the case, this is the first time a member of Ghost has stepped forward to reveal their identity. Do you think Persner is telling the truth, or does the Nameless Ghoul still wander the world? Let us know in the comments!