Why I Ditched Pretty Lights On New Years Eve For Steamboat Willie

Let’s be honest, where and who you spend your New Year’s with is a big deal! If you’re the planner of your circle, like me, then you know what it is like to stay up until 4am comparing all the different options just to make sure you all have the perfect time. After endless hours of analyzing every new years concert and festival, I finally made my decision. Nothing sounded more appealing to me than bringing 2016 to an end by seeing Pretty Lights in the great city of New Orleans with the company of my boyfriend. But on the final night of 2016, my plans quickly changed and I wouldn’t want to have spent my New Year celebration any other way.
December 31st
Although we arrived to The Big Easy two days earlier, we were still high off the thrills of Bourbon Street. So naturally, before we went out to the show we made our way down to Bourbon Street to purchase a fish bowl. The rain was coming down hard, but that did not stop the action of the famous street. Deciding that being completely soaked at a concert probably wasn’t the best idea, we headed to Cafe Beignet to take shelter under their pavilion. Cafe Beignet is not only known for their delicious beignets; they also are host to beautiful live jazz music daily. As we sipped our fish bowls we became very attracted to the sounds of Steamboat Willie and his jazz band. Before we knew it hours passed by and we realized it was time to call our Uber and head to the show. As I was about to call the Uber, we both looked at each other and felt sad about leaving these beautiful jazz tunes. After very little discussion we agreed to sell our pair of NYE tickets and skip Pretty Lights to spend our new year with Steamboat Willie.
Best Decision
Don’t get me wrong, I love Pretty Lights!! His day 1 performance was beautiful – just like all of the other 10 plus times I have seen him. But that’s the thing, I have seen Pretty Lights more times than I can count on my fingers. The reason ditching Pretty Lights was the best decision is because I got to truly live in the moment of music rather than chase after the next show. It is so common for music fanatics to get caught up in one artist that they forget about all of the others. Big name groups like Pretty Lights, Bassnectar, Phish and many more have die hard fan groups that dedicate their lives to seeing only one artist. Not to knock anyones love and passion for their idol musician, but when will everyone quit this repetitive habit and give new artists a try? After the amazing turn of events that occurred on my last hooray of 2016, I have decided that in 2017 my goal is to only seek new talent and stop this loop hole repetitiveness of seeing the same artists. Thank you Steamboat Willie, for teaching me the importance of living in the moment and trying new things. Cheers to 2017!