Marc Rebillet’s Drive-In Tour

You might know him by his robe collection, the meaty beats he spins from his keyboard or the improvised music and cult-like following that’s made him a YouTube sensation. Now you can see him live. Marc Rebillet is in the midst of his Drive-In Tour captivating crowds with his niche mix of music and mustache.

His music career took off in 2016 when he began posting YouTube videos and live streams of improvised songs recorded in his humble abode. Once he went viral, there was no turning back. His fan base multiplied like gremlins when you add water as his fans became part of his performance. During his live stream, he improvises songs based on comments and calls from viewers.
Since quarantine, Rebillet’s creativity has reached new heights. He rescheduled his Australia and New Zealand tour and scheduled free live stream concerts to replace them which became known as the “Quarantine Livestream Tour.” He raised tens of thousands of dollars for coronavirus-related charities and recorded the “Essential Workers Anthem” to thank those on the front lines.

Leave it to this versatile musician to adapt in the midst of a crisis and create an entirely new concert format. The drive-in concert combines the live music we all miss with the social distancing that gives us peace of mind.