Albums To Look Forward To In 2021

With no indication of live music making a comeback any time soon, the anticipation is running higher than ever for new albums. Many of our beloved favorites had plenty of time last year to create and channel several emotions about these uncertain times, and from it came several albums to anticipate for in 2021.

Title: DemiDevil
Release Date: February 19, 2021
After having to move her album release back a few months, DemiDevil is to be released on her birthday, February 19. A few singles have already been dropped, such as “Daisy,” “Cry,” and “Clitoris! The Musical.”
Doja Cat

Title: Planet Her
Release: TBA
Not much has been released on the album except for the confirmation that the album will be similar to her smash hit, Hot Pink. Doja noted that every song has it’s own personality and that the album will feature afrobeats and dancehall.

Title: The Bitter Truth
Release Date: March 26th, 2021
After a decade, Evanescence is back in fully swing with a 12-tracked album. Throughout 2020, Evanescence dropped four of the twelve singles, “Wasted on You,” “The Game Is Over,” “Use My Voice,” and “Yeah Right.”
Lana Del Rey

Title: Chemtrails Over the Country Club
Release Date: Pre-order will be available on January 11, 2021

Title: Rumored to be R3
Release Date: Between January and May
Serj Tankian

Title: Elasticity
Release Date: Estimated February Release
Arguably one of the more exiting releases, Tankian is releasing an EP with rock songs that were originally in mind for SOAD. But, due to conflict he decided to finish them off by himself and release an EP.
Tankian described the songs as “diverse, heavy, ballad-y, and having more synth flavor.”
Fun fact: Elasticity is a play on SOAD’s massive 2001 album, Toxicity.