
2021 Bonnaroo Lineup Announced, Along With Farm Updates and Digital Art

Bonnaroo 2021 is sticking to their latest September dates, and have finally announced this year’s lineup! Festive Owl tweeted a lineup leak on March 30th, which was then confirmed by the official Bonnaroo Twitter account the following day, sending fans into a frenzy. My own Bonnaroo group chats were aflutter with excitement– my roo pals already scrambling to make a master playlist for that nine hour drive to Manchester.

To celebrate 20+ years of roo, and live music’s return after this crazy year of cancelled plans, the roo team partnered with Archan Nair to create an animated version of this year’s lineup poster. Is that better than collecting the paper ones and collaging them on the walls every bedroom I live in for the rest of my life? I’m not quite sure, but it sounds pretty cool– and fitting– some virtual art to celebrate the end of a virtual year, and our inevitable return to the farm.

Along with this animated poster, Manchester was also the host of a massively successful Bonnaroo pop-up shop. Their merch sold so fast, they couldn’t even stay open for the entire scheduled duration of the shop!

Thank you to every single Boonaroovian, some who even drove over 5 hours away, who stopped by the Merch Pop-Up today! Due to the overwhelming success, we will unfortunately be closed tomorrow. Don’t worry, as we will be restocking and reopening next weekend as planned!” (tweeted on March 27).

And get this:

There may be even less walking this year.

“Say goodbye to long treks into Centeroo! 🤩 The JamTrak is a new and easy way to get all the action at Bonnaroo. This convenient + free transportation option will run all day and night and be available all throughout the campground with multiple routes and stops along the way.” (source)

The artists have also expressed their own excitement about performing at Bonnaroo 2021 🙂

Tickets on sale now!

And you might want to hurry… or don’t… I haven’t bought my ticket yet.

Mallory Dwortz

UofM grad, loves reading, writing, and blurry pictures

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