Bayonne Released Second Album, “Drastic Measures”

Since the release of electronic artist Bayonne’s first album, Primitives back in 2016, I have been on high alert for a second one. Over this last weekend, Drastic Measures was released, and I could not be more pleased with it.
The first listen I was able to give to the album was at work, in which a coworker said he felt like he was in a spa. The entire album has a whimsical sound to it and the tracks flow perfectly together.
In an Instagram post about the album, Bayonne said it is inspired by his time touring and sacrifices he’s had to make for his music. I think the title Drastic Measures suits it very well.
I find with some albums I have a hard time listening to them all the way through with jarring transitions and different paces to the songs. This album has a particular flow to it that it truly a treat for the ears. I have found myself able to listen to it while reading, commuting and writing.
Accompanying the soothing sounds this album brings, are lyrics that give a great takeaway. It was helpful knowing then inspiration for the album when listening, and I have found a lot of the lyrics pretty relatable. Subjects touched on are trying to maintain relationships and keeping in touch while away, as well as taking care of yourself.
The more I listen to the album the more I’m like, “You know what? Same.” Which, oddly enough is the title of a track on the album.
When going back to listening to Bayonne’s first album, Primitives, I can see quite a bit of growth and polishing in his musical style. The album was really important to me because I listened to it while starting the tail end of my college career, and so it will always hold a special place in my heart. However, I have plenty of room to accept Drastic Measures and cannot wait to see what else is to come from Bayonne.