Banks Turns up the Heat With New Single, “The Devil”

Banks has returned with a steamy new single and video. Thankfully this isn’t a one single deal. It was hinted by Banks that this is first taste of a larger project that was created during the midst of the pandemic. In an interview with Vogue, Banks detailed the hardships she endured during the pandemic which led her to facing her own demons. Those moments of facing her lowest points mentally inspired the single “The Devil.”
“Not by coincidence, these demons directly influenced the lead single of Banks’s new single, “The Devil,” released today alongside a gloriously theatrical video. Instead of referencing what drove her to her lowest point, the titular devil reflects her newfound sense of control. “In order to overcome those demons, you have to be stronger than a demon,” she explains. “What’s stronger than a demon? A devil. I couldn’t be some kind, sweet, polite person to get over the certain things that I needed to get over. You have to be a devil.”
Vogue’s interview with Banks about independence, mental health, and the new single.
The song itself is quite sensual and sultry. The bass line is slow and deep as Banks is heard whispering out the chorus. The beat is minimal yet catchy. It is quite a brooding and dark take for Banks. It’ll be interesting to see if the rest of her upcoming project will be this “dark.”
“The Devil” is Banks first release as an independent artist.
Despite her own hardships, Banks has persevered and fought her own devils and won. “The Devil” is really about her own metamorphosis and how she’s not only accepted the darkness, but gone above it. Banks stated that wants the song to be more of a positive outtake on overcoming your own demons.
“The last year and a half has at times made everyone feel so powerless, and I hope that when people hear this song they feel the opposite, sexy and powerful,” she concludes. Maybe we could all do with getting in touch with our inner devil from time to time? Banks certainly makes it sound like a lot of fun.”
Vogue’s interview with Banks about independence, mental health, and the new single.