Gwen Stefani Is Ready To Reintroduce Herself

Gwen Stefani took to Twitter to tease that she will be releasing her new single, “Let Me Reintroduce Myself‘ on Monday (Dec. 7).
The cover art for the single reflects on a transition to this new her. The first photo being a more modern take from one of Stefani’s most well-known stages of her career, No Doubt’s “Just a Girl.” Although it also very ‘Hollaback Girl” reminiscent, another well-loved stage of Stefani’s.
The second photo of Stefani is just as ageless as any other version of her but now she is rocking a denim and diamonds look, which display the evolution of her style.
Stefani has released three holiday singles and three collaborations (one which includes her fiancé, Blake Shelton, and one with Dua Lipa) but hasn’t released a solo single since “Misery” in 2016. This will be the first since her album This Is What The Truth Feels Like and her fans are thoroughly excited to hear the “new her.”