grandson releases “a modern tragedy vol.2”

grandson continues to explore his sound with rap and rock with his newest EP. His music is lively and delivers a powerful message on the corruption, and pain dealt in life.
a modern tragedy vol.2 includes five songs. It’s rather short, but the attention to detail in the production of each one of the songs is well thought out.
grandson released “Apologize” as a single. It was the first little taste into what to expect of this EP. The song itself is an anthem for the youth. We won’t apologize for being imperfect.
This is the second track of the EP, and grandson uses Christianity to provide imagery of the corruption of the government. grandson has always spoken up against corruption and even in modern tragedy vol. 1, songs like “Blood // Water” speak about the corruption of the country.
Is This What You Wanted:
In this track, grandson brings the topic of drugs and consuming to get away from a reality. A reality that some people might face daily. grandson as never shied away from being vocal about the struggles that teenagers and young adults might be facing.
Fallin (Temptation):
This track is probably my favorite musically and lyrically. grandson dives into the abyss of addiction and temptation. In a time of despair weakness leads to drinking or drugs just digging a deeper hole.
He says “I’m fallin, Aye, aye, aye” as he knows what he has done is no good for me but it keeps happening. I think this is something that a lot of people can relate to.
This is the last track on the EP, and it is more darker lyrically. grandson wrote on twitter about the writing of the EP, and how Darkside was relating to school shootings. A subject that has become so common in our society and something that many have been victims of. grandson uses this song to discuss how school shooters, have been or are created.
Listening to this EP, grandson uses trap infused and EDM inspired beats. A juxtaposition to the themes that he speaks about in the songs. grandson stays true to his sound that makes him so unique.
grandson uses his music the be a voice for the youth as he said in his recap documentary. He is very much inspired by his fans and how passionate they are to have their message be heard.