Check Out This Playlist of New Releases/Remixes!

This week, I decided to sit down and collect a few new January hits to sit happily in another Red Roll playlist. When I’m bored, I always like to scroll through Spotify’s “Release Radar,” a recurring playlist of new music from artists they know I’ve been listening to. It’s a fun way to stay up to date on recent releases from groups I claim to love (although, seriously, sometimes I forget to check on the new… something I shouldn’t so willingly admit as a part-time music journalist).
That’s what this is for– a miniature version of Spotify’s “Release Radar”– a small collection of new music to listen to in the shower, on a walk, getting dressed to go nowhere, or to hear once and say, “Nah, not for me.”
“Kush – Big Gigantic Remix”
“Hearts on Fire – Lucas & Steve Remix”
AND the Timmy Trumpet Remix, because while only one of these popped up on my own “Release Radar” this week, it felt wrong to exclude the other, right?
“Safe With Me (feat Audrey Mika) [TELYKast Remix]”
“Darkseid – Richie Hawtin Remix”
For even more fun, Richie Hawtin’s long-running concept project is finally available, digitally, after 25 years of work. Learn more below!