Des Rocs Is Bringing Back Rock n’ Roll

New York native, Des Rocs is bringing back Rock n’ Roll one song at a time. I had the chance to see him perform at Reggie’s as one of the openers for grandson’s No Apologies Tour. The moment he started performing, I wish I had known about him sooner because I wanted to sing along to all his songs.
He released his first single “HVY MTL DRMR” in April 2018, which showcased an electro-rock feel. There is sound that he is bringing back to the music industry, which was missing for a while. The sound was revitalizing.
He recently released his new song “SLO” featuring heavy electric guitar riffs and 50’s rock n’ roll vocals that resemble Elvis.
“Elvis is a towering figure in my life, as a performer and a singer. His live movements lived in a certain place in his body that was instilled in my DNA at a very young age. There’s a certain movement to SLO that’s born of those classic motions.”
–Des Rocs for Consequence of Sound
Des Rocs music embodies rock with a modern twist and this is something I am living for. His music alone projects a coolness and radiates great energy. This energy is something that is present as soon as he walks on stage. The charisma of a true rocker is what you see and leaves a lasting impact on you.
The rocker just started tour with The Struts and is coming back to Chicago in August to perform at his first Lollapalooza! If you’re going I recommend seeing his set.