It’s Pride Month… But Make It Virtual!

Sweet, sunny June is upon us, and we’re still stuck inside (for the most part). ‘Tis the time to celebrate the queer community and champion the voices of LGBTQ+ people. Although the usual festivities are canceled due to COVID-19 complications, organizers are stepping up to make this year even better than the last.
Global Pride, a virtual conglomeration of inspiring content, will be available to live stream on the 27th of this month. There will be musical performances (such as archived George Michael footage), political speakers, poetry, and other forms of art featured to totally encapsulate the spirit of Pride 2020.
To quote the Global Pride website…
“With musical and artistic performances, speeches from activists and campaigners, and addresses by public figures, we will stream 24 hours of content that reflects and celebrates the beautiful diversity of LGBTI+ people everywhere.”
AND get this, if you are an artist or activist interested in getting involved, you can submit your own content here!
While this is a worldwide endeavor, every city has people working to ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to participate in and consume Pride-related content/media. Chicago will be hosting its own events, like Virtual Chicago Pride Fest on June 20th and 21st. The performer lineup and streaming link will be available soon, so be sure to visit their website, and check back for more info.
A complete calendar of Chicago virtual Pride events has been compiled here!
This year is special.
Pride month could not come at a more pressing time. Following the riots sweeping across the nation, we step into June with the momentum of a social justice movement for the ages. Black Lives Matter is taking on police brutality with a vengeance, standing up to the corruption and racism woven into the fabric of every uniform. Marching from the streets as a protester, to a live stream marked with a rainbow flag, it is important to remember that people of color have pioneered much of the LGBTQ+ movement.
It is during this month of queer appreciation that we must extend an arm, a leg, a sanitized hand to the people of color, often specifically black folks, who have carried everyone else on their backs for so many years. We are poised on the edge of some real change, and these Pride month events, while predominantly virtual, have the potential to bring people together and elevate those whose voices must be heard.