Distraction or Despair: That Is the Question

With all the craziness going on around the world you might have missed out on the recent release from My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way.
Gerard Way discussed how he’s recorded music over time that he has not yet released but has intentions on doing so. The songs are mostly short snippets, and a great tease of what is to possibly come from Way.

Much like many at home, Way opens up about his own uncertainty and need for distraction hence the name of this collection is “Distraction or Despair.”
“I’m calling all of this stuff Distraction Or Despair, since that seems to be the two things I keep shifting between. Probably a lot of other people too.”
Gerard Way
You can find the tracks here along with the link to the COVID-19 Response Fund here.
There is not enough to see where this possible album might go, especially since Way admitted he doesn’t know which of the samples would go into the album but, it is exciting seeing something new from Way.