
Introducing The All New Red Roll – We’re Hiring!

Red Roll has come a long way since it was founded about 1 year ago. We are moving away from just photography, and expanding to bring more to our users. Red Roll now has a completely new design, and some new features that we think you’d all love.

One of my favorite features is the new photo gallery. Just click on an image, and it opens up a world of options. You have all the functionality as you would on Facebook. You can like, comment, share, and even tag your friends in the photo right on our website! You can press the left or right arrows on your keyboard or click the arrows on the screen to move between pictures.In one of our photos? Feel free to download the picture by clicking the “download” button!

Now, Red Roll will feature news and editorials to keep the internet and people updated with cold hard facts. Red Roll will never release news that is false.
Speaking of news, RED ROLL is hiring! We’re looking for passionate interns to help write, photograph, or other tasks. Please send an email to admin@redroll.com if you’re interested in working with us.

Mark Reddington

Hi I'm Mark and I like music that makes your face melt off.

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